QuackCon 1993

Ball pit at QuackCon 1993
QuackCon 1993 was the first annual QuackCon hosted by Pecten Solutions at the Desert Rose Resort and Hotel in Bluff, Utah. The three day convention was sold out within 36 hours of the tickets being sold despite critics having a lot to say about the 'hefty and unreasonable' $580 price tag. These critics were quickly proven wrong by the devoted DuckLovers volunteers, associates, fans, and lovers of ducks from around the world. Although here at DuckLovers this outcome was expected and highly anticipated, we would still like to extend a thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and attended.


There were various activities to partake throughout the three days:

  • The ball pit
    • Bring your ducks to the 2500 cubic feet ball pit located in the pool room
  • The photoshoot
    • Bring your duck to a state of the art photoshoot room where you can take pictures of your favorite feathery friend with our unreleased CONTAX AX camera, a revolutionary piece of technology